Help make the next Hanukkah one that the whole family will enjoy with our fantastic collection of designer dreidels from the Holy Land. Believed to originate in the ancient times of the Maccabees, when Jews would learn Torah in secret by pretending to play dreidels, the dreidel is a spinning top that features four Hebrew letters on it, each connoting a special meaning. The four letters are Nun, Gimmel, Hay, Shin, representing the Hebrew phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Sham" (A Great Miracle Happened There"). In the Holy Land, the letter Shin is replaced by the letter Pei, representing the Hebrew phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Po" ("A Great Miracle Happened Here"). Available in both traditional and modern designs, you will love playing with one of our dreidels every Hanukkah for many years to come.